Marriage is a complicated thing in the modern world. Pressure is applied to the relationship from all directions, the old sensibilities towards duty are dying, and the ties between men and women becoming more fraught by the day. It’s a miracle any marriage makes it at all.
For many who still love their husband or wife but can’t seem to make it work, it may seem that the only option is for them to cut their losses, separate, and try to move on with their lives. Luckily, there is an alternative, and it comes from the unlikeliest of sources – a family law firm that specializes in mediating divorces.
McNamee Mediations, located in Newport Beach, has developed a system called the Marriage Contract, which acts as a last-resort effort to keep a marriage together. The contract stipulates that each partner must follow a list of behaviors that has been worked out by them and the mediator – a failure to follow the behavior results in a breach of the contract, at which point the divorce begins to move forward.

McNamee’s creation of the marriage contract is proof positive of the care the firm provides for its clients. Nobody wants to get divorced, and the process is difficult and taxing – a firm that truly cares for its clients and desires to see them off better than when it found them is extremely difficult to find.
If you need further proof, just take a look at the firm’s extensive list of testimonials online. Here’s a sample:
It was reviews like this that steered me towards hiring Colleen. Divorce presents many challenges and can be a painful experience. With McNamee Mediations we got through mediation and it was actually a pleasant experience. I had no idea what to expect and when I called to get information, Colleen was very clear on the process and what to expect. At our first meeting she went over the process again so that we had clear expectations. Colleen brings a calmness to each meeting and she was very thorough each step of the way. It’s important to know that a mediator does not take sides and remains neutral throughout. I didn’t want the experience of hiring a lawyer to “fight” for me. My former spouse and I wanted to keep things as amicable as possible. Colleen offered pros and cons for several situations and allowed us to find a resolution. Colleen work hard to help us, and she will help you. I highly recommend McNamee Mediations.
Heather C. – Yelp Review

We highly recommend Colleen’s mediation services. Prior to our marriage, Colleen sat down with us to write a prenuptial agreement. We had both previously gone through divorces that were costly and unfair in distributing assets. During a time of great happiness it can feel awkward to discuss finances and future distributions should divorce occur. However, Colleen made the experience a positive one as she helped us craft a prenuptial agreement we both felt was fair. This was important for each of us to feel secure coming into this new marriage. Colleen was gracious, kind and explained everything each step of the way. She is a true professional and her experience and character shone through!
Erin A. – Yelp Review
If your marriage is in trouble and you’d like to take one last crack at saving it, give McNamee Mediations a call. McNamee will help you create both a marriage contract and a mutually beneficial separation agreement in case things just can’t be fixed.
McNamee Mediation
4590 MacArthur Blvd Suite 500, Newport Beach, CA 92660