Tag: office design

  • Designing A Safe and Productive Office With Cubicles

    Designing A Safe and Productive Office With Cubicles

    The age of virtual, remote, and location-independent work has dawned upon the mainstream. While the American industrial revolution initiated a time where lifestyle choices were made to revolve around work obligations, the nature of work is now being dictated by lifestyle choices.

    This reversal in the order of influence has had many positive and negative effects on American professionals. On one hand, it has allowed us all to spend less time traveling and commuting to work, and more time playing and laughing with our family members. However, working at home comes with its disadvantages. Many who live alone find that remote work is isolating, demotivating, and demoralizing. Furthermore, those who live with family and children may find the at-home work environment to be distracting and unproductive.

    Regardless of your preference, those who have the privilege of working remotely should recognize how lucky they are to have the opportunity, as many Americans who perform location-dependent work have lost their jobs during the current global pandemic. The low-income and working-class communities have struggled the most during this time.

    For those who prefer to work in an office rather than at home, this is a time to get your creative gears up and running. With social distancing guidelines still enforced for the public health and safety of the nation, it is imperative that business owners make the necessary modifications to their workspace.

    A cubicle is a partially enclosed office workspace that acts as a partition for each worker. The separation allows for employees to work without the distractions of open office space. Though cubicles are often criticized for being too monotonous, the irony is that open offices are now being criticized for being too disturbing. Despite its popularity and appeal, open office designs are not the best choice right now, as they offer no barrier to ensure proper distancing between workers. During the time of COVID—19, cubicles offer the benefit of a physical barrier. A cough or sneeze can transmit the virus and infect others in an open office space, but cubicles help to physically prevent transmission. For those in Orange County, Creative Office Design offers used cubicles that may be purchased at their showroom. Cubicles can be configured to the comfort and preference of each employee, allowing for modifications of walls, desks, bins, drawers, and shelves.

    Cubicles offer the privacy and comfort of a private office without the cost of renovations, with easy set-up and mobility to move or modify. The customizability makes it the ultimate choice for upgrading your office, given that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to the working environment and culture.

    Though the times have changed, sometimes the best solutions are tried and true. The office cubicle has been around since the 1960s as the building block of the office of many of the country’s best businesses. In the ongoing evolutionary tension between tradition and modernity, sometimes we come back to relying on simpler things in life.

    If you are tired of working from home and are eager to get back into the office, consider redesigning the workspace to add safety and functionality. You can give Creative Office Design a call today:

    Creative Office Design